Hello my dear readers! Oh, how many packs of cigarettes have been smoked by smokers, whose boxes read, “Department of Health Warns - Smoking is Dangerous to Health! ” So what? How many smokers have paid attention to this entry? Maybe someone did. But has he quit smoking? Barely! But how to quit smoking on their own once and for all is a question asked by many, because other methods do not help them. And can you stop at all? This is what will be discussed today.
How smoking affects health
70% of smokers dream of quitting this bad habit, 80% of them have tried several times, but could not quit. According to statistics, more than 200, 000 people die each year from diseases caused by smoking.
Smoking statistics indicate that 96-100% of smokers suffer from lung cancer because tobacco smoke contains substances that cause mutations in the p53 gene; 75% suffer from chronic bronchitis and almost 25% suffer from heart disease. Unfortunately, the mortality due to this addiction is increasing more and more every year. For example, over 26% of regular cigarette smokers die each year from smoking. Many of them could have extended their lives by 20 years if they had quit smoking 5 years ago.
What systems and organs are affected by smoking?
- Respiratory system: cancer of the lungs, tongue and upper respiratory tract, bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive bronchitis;
- Cardiovascular system: ischemic heart disease, angina pectoris and myocardial infarction, endartaritis obliterans and atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower limbs;
- Gastrointestinal tract: gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer, gastritis;
- Central and peripheral nervous system: neuroses, headaches, memory impairment, neuritis, polyneuritis, radiculitis, a smoker with many years of experience becomes irritable and quarrelsome;
- Vision: visual acuity decreases, color perception changes, the likelihood of developing glaucoma increases;
- Hearing: hearing acuity gradually decreases due to changes in the eardrum, mobility of the auditory ossicles decreases;
- Taste: the taste diminishes and becomes distorted;
- Odor: bad smell;
- Fertility decreases in women, men are more prone to impotence.

Dear smokers, have you ever thought about the harmful effects of second-hand smoke on those around you? It is particularly dangerous for pregnant women. And a disease like COPD can be fatal.
Smoking addiction
The pharmaceutical industry offers many types of dressings, chewing gum and other products. But even that won't be enough if you don't understand this problem "at the root". There are 2 types of nicotine addiction: physical and psychological.
Physical addiction is the body's need for the next dose of nicotine. Most often, stress, irritation, bad mood, fatigue "sticking" with a cigarette. The point is that the action of nicotine causes the adrenal glands to secrete the stress hormone - adrenaline and norepinephrine. These hormones, to some extent, have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, forcing the heart rate to rise, raising blood pressure and improving the smoker's mood.
Psychological dependence is considered more complex. Even if you realize that you have been successful in coping with the physical addiction and overcame yourself without smoking another cigarette, then with the next stress or being in the company of the same smokers, it will be much more difficult for you to get on with it. overcome in the irresistible urge to smoke a cigarette.
How to stop cravings for smoke
To overcome cravings, of course, you need strong motivation and strong desire. I will give you a comment on my article "Are Pregnancy and Smoking Compatible? "
I will tell you from my own experience that you can quit smoking if you yourself have this desire, have taken it and given up, like with alcohol, no coding and no treatment will help, only yourself and will power. I have tried everything, only a waste of time and money, all these encodings and different methods, it is only self-deception and yes self-deception can be successful too.
And I will tell you about motivation using the example of my husband. He smoked a lot with me, and it happened when he smoked almost 2 packs of cigarettes a day. In the workshop where he worked, he relieved the stress of work with a cigarette, in the forest by hunting or fishing, he saved himself from mosquitoes with cigarette smoke. Usually I used to smoke before a disease like endarteritis obliterans. What kind of disease is it, I talked about it in detail in this article. Smokers read, don't be lazy.
The main cause of this disease is smoking and gangrene is a serious complication. When I told my husband if you don't quit smoking you will have to walk over bumps in the forest with crutches. Will it be comfortable for you to walk in the forest like this? And he just cannot live without a forest. It was a strong motivation for him. Stop smoking, haven't smoked for a year and a half.

How to quit smoking quickly and easily? What can be done?
It's easier to overcome physical addiction. This can be overcome with the help of drugs: tinctures of valerian, motherwort or other sedatives. Aromatherapy with bergamot, geranium, orange and basil oil discourages the urge to smoke.
Psychological cravings are much more difficult to overcome, but you can fool them by replacing regular cigarettes with others.
- Electronic cigarettes - they create the illusion of smoking an ordinary cigarette, but these cigarettes do not contain dangerous compounds: benzopyrene, ammonia, various resins and arsenic compounds. The operation of electronic cigarettes resembles a regular inhaler, in which the cartridges go from weak to heavy in terms of the amount of nicotine. In this case, you can gradually reduce the dose of nicotine, thereby reducing the need for nicotine.
Acupuncture, hypnosis, coding can help quit smoking. But you have to admit that if you have a strong motivation for it, it is quite possible to quit smoking on your own and at home. Try these methods first.
What will help you quit smoking?
How to quit smoking on your own if there is no willpower? Of course, the example of others is important. Maybe there are people in your environment who also want to get rid of this bad habit. So why don't you unite in this noble cause? Here are some tips to help you:

- Tell your loved ones about your intention, they will certainly support you in this matter.
- Give up the companions of cigarettes - coffee and alcohol.
- Foods on off days should be light and include only plant-based foods.
- You can quit smoking immediately, but it's more difficult, but more efficient and more precise. To make this step easier, you can reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke each day.
- Drink a glass of water on an empty stomach in the morning. During the day, try to drink as much water as possible, it not only diverts thoughts of smoking, but also allows you to better remove harmful substances from the body.
- Sunflower seeds or lollipops can be a distraction.
- Move the ashtray, cigarettes, lighter out of sight.
- Be more outdoors, exercise, and play.
- Respond to the invitation to smoke with a categorical refusal.
- Join a non-smoking business. Avoid situations where you have always smoked: do not go to the smokehouse with colleagues, do not visit places where there are a lot of smokers, at a bus stop, keep away from people with a cigarette, remove the ashtrayand cigarettes from the computer.
How to quit smoking on your own - folk methods
Popular methods tested by many people will help you get rid of nicotine addiction. Reviews of former smokers speak of their effectiveness.
St. John's Wort tea. Put 3-4 stems of St. John's Wort in a boiling kettle, let it steep during the day instead of tea.
Leaves of plants. Mix about 1 tbsp each. chopped fresh leaves of horseradish and plantain. Chew this mixture 2-3 times a day for 5 minutes, swallow the juice and spit out the remaining leaves.
filler cigarettes. It is an old way to add cut nails, crayfish shells, etc. at the cigarette shop. Loads should be dried, ground in a coffee grinder and added to tobacco in cigarettes. Smoking such a mixture completely avoided smoking for life, as it caused severe headache, nausea and vomiting.
Rinse before smoking. If there is an intolerable urge to smoke, rinse your mouth with a solution of baking soda or sea salt: you need to dilute 1 tablespoon in a glass of water. soda or sea salt.
Lemon juice. Lemon juice can create an aversion to tobacco, the sour taste of which will help distract from the idea of smoking. To do this, squeeze the juice of a lemon and dilute it in a glass of water.
Decoction of herbs for internal use. Take 100 grams of dried dandelion and plantain leaves, pour 1 liter of milk and simmer for half an hour on low heat, then cool and filter. Should take 1 tbsp. after eating. Such a decoction will help the evacuation of phlegm.
Smoke a pipe. But instead of the tobacco filling, fill the pipe with a herbal filling made up of equal parts of split hoof, Clavate leopard and lingonberry leaves. Smoke this pipe twice a day. Then drink 2 glasses of mineral water.
It is important to stay smoke free for a week, then you will feel better. And also count. how much money you spend on cigarettes. The figure, I think, will impress you. This money can be spent on vacation or for the good thing.
Maybe some of you dear readers have faced the same problem and you have experience quitting smoking on your own, helping smokers and sharing with your readers, maybebe that your advice will help them.